By Chuck Sink
Clients and customers are just like you, me, our friends, neighbors and coworkers. We use social media to stay in touch and be informed about people, groups, organizations and causes that interest us. It’s mostly about the people.
You and I don’t intentionally log on to Facebook to be wooed by a big brand and persuaded to share their self promoting messages with our friends. Neither does your social media audience (if you have one). They are online to socialize and be entertained or informed. Some are there to feed their egos.
Social Media is nothing but a collection of tools that are free for anyone to use. Social Media is not a free advertising medium. It is a good paid advertising opportunity but that’s a topic for another article. We’ll stick to free organic use for today.
Presumptive conventional thinkers continue to treat social media as a place to broadcast without paying for time and space. All they have to show for it is a lack of results and the conclusion that it doesn’t work.
I’m going to let another author take over by way of an article share. Liz Gross writes in Social Media Today about the best current approach to social media use. It’s all about networking, public relations and stakeholder service. READ MORE…