The holdouts still abound! There are many in small business who still believe social media marketing is crap and irrelevant or worthless to their business. What they don’t realize are two things:
- A strong presence in two or three channels will get your message spread like wildfire FREE of media cost and will sometimes generate direct response. I’m tired of being asked if I’ve received new business from social media and always having to say yes.
- Smart use of social media will improve your SEO rankings much faster than good
web content and high keyword density alone. When people click links from your posts and share your posts for others who click those same links, you’re getting huge off-page SEO boosts and immediate web traffic. Far more goes on out there on your behalf than you may realize or can measure.
The holdouts to using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus for business may only be thinking in traditional sales models and will continue to double down on things like making more calls and attending more trade shows without effective online follow through.
The trick to generating more business is to be out there and interesting to people.
Maybe not all, but a significant portion of your potential customers ARE using social media and ARE being entertained & wooed by your competition online.