Why be Shy to New Business?
Holding off on launching a great ad campaign is like keeping your beautiful, prized sports car locked in your garage to avoid people seeing and admiring it. That makes absolutely no sense!
This is what too many small business owners do to their would-be customers when it comes to branding and advertising. They keep them in the dark by doing the next easy or “urgent” thing on their plate instead of investing in marketing and following through in the right media channels.
How do I know this? Personal experience owning a business. Plus, seeing firsthand what makes campaigns either fizzle or be successful.
Why do so many small business owners get cold feet when it comes to executing a great advertising or branding campaign that will help them grow? Simple, they don’t have confidence that it will work or return a profit. They’re afraid to fail, and some are even afraid to succeed!
Two Marketing Fear Factors
- If you’re afraid of failure, you probably don’t really believe in your own value proposition.
- If you’re afraid of success, you probably don’t trust yourself or your team to follow through on delivery to new customers.
If either is the case, you may need to address some operational or capacity issues. But of course, this isn’t you!
The Secret to Campaign Success
While no marketer can claim, “spend X and your ROI will be Y,” there are keys to consistently building and increasing results from your marketing campaigns. It’s a matter of open and constant communication.
If enough time goes by between communications, a Client and their Agency team can both get distracted, lose momentum, and execution suffers. This happens all the time.
The golden key to success is regularly attended meetings with a committed team. All you really need are a campaign, a calendar, and commitments.
Alternatively, software can help solve this common client-agency issue. In fact, marketing automation technologies are beginning to replace the traditional agency model for certain industries such as local home services.
Choose Partners and Tools
Whichever way you prefer to work, whether with human experts or keystrokes, have at it! Your brand and promotional messages are worthless if they stay parked on a static website or languish in a box of brochures.
Take action. Get the word out. Promote your value. Get some help. What are you waiting for?