Tag Archives: advertising

Make Ads Memorable, not Maniacal

Let your creative team do their job! I’m following up a recent popular blog post that received more positive feedback than usual. Let’s listen to a nice local example of radio advertising. Here is a classic case of choosing something trendy and safe over something unexpected, funny and memorable. I trust my own opinions on… Read More »

The Story Behind Brand Storytelling

How Storytelling Works (Very Well!) Storytelling is a lot more than a marketing buzzword. Stories have mind-attracting power and are like personal guides leading readers and listeners to the prize of knowledge, the satisfaction of curiosity and the fulfillment of desires. Marketers who effectively apply storytelling have real-life success stories of their own to tell.… Read More »

Is Social Media Dead?

It’s been a while since I’ve written about social media (and it feels gooooooood). One headline I just saw in my newsfeed was “Is Social Media Right for Your Business? The short answer was “YES.” Their point was that every business MUST have an “online personality” represented on Facebook, Instagram, etc. or they’ll lose to competitors… Read More »

First Impressions trump Cold Calls

They say “cold calling is dead” and they’re right from the traditional perspective; that is, calling a complete stranger, unexpectedly, for the sole reason that their company has money that you and your company need to operate. Every business needs customers to sustain financial viability so the primary purpose of sales calls is to get… Read More »

Who’s in command of your advertising?

SEM is advertising  for your customers only. Famous 20th Century industrialist John Wanamaker made legendary his quote, “I know that at least half of my advertising dollars are wasted, I just don’t know which half.” This was true of most advertising all the way up until digital technology and the Internet started to dominate how… Read More »

What does the brand command?

A company’s content and advertising messages can sometimes stray dangerously far from the spirit of its brand identity because something sounds wonderfully creative or there’s a desire to push someone’s idea. Perhaps there’s an enticing piece of potential business beckoning, so why not take a brand strategy diversion to go after it? Because doing so… Read More »

Pay it forward or just pay it?

       We hear it a lot and it’s generally a good thing – “Paying it forward.” It’s a common mantra in BNI networking meetings: “Givers gain.” Both of those ideas are fundamentally flawed because there is a built in quid pro quo. Paying it forward means prepayment for something your expect to receive in… Read More »