Your business might be in Vermont, but your lowest hanging fruit might be in Washington DC or certain neighborhoods of New York City or perhaps even Miami. Local ad targeting can get your brand noticed and purchased in very specific places.
Whom do you need to reach? Where do they live and what channels are best used to reach them?
Serving a target audience very often requires geographic considerations. And now, many companies can serve clients virtually anywhere with technology, and the temptation is to try and go national or global in distribution. Check your ambition here. That’s out of the question for most small businesses. Only global companies can afford to reach national and worldwide audiences. Small businesses need to start with local markets where they can afford to compete for media space. From there, rolling a brand out to wider audiences becomes boosted by word of mouth and ultimately, virally spread.
Small Business Giants
Small businesses can work like giants in quality service when competing against large national companies, and only a few do. They are the local businesses that stay true to their core values and principles, focusing on better quality and truly exceptional service. These companies thrive in quiet ways and when ready to make a move, have their own capital to do so.
Managed Growth
For example, can an independent local hardware and building supply company actually compete with and beat Home Depot or Lowes? Yes, they can in their local markets! My region has two very strong and growing firms that dominate the building contractor supply business across a two-state region. The big national chains are well represented in their markets, yet both of these local brands thrive!
When a small business feels they’ve saturated their local market and wants to branch out to specific markets in other cities, states or countries, they can leverage their earned capital, testimonial equity and quality advertising to reach lucrative targets wherever they may be through local ad targeting. And the best thing is, the budgets are manageable while spending to fund a national campaign would be foolhardy.
Grow Your Business in Fertile Territory
There are countless examples of highly profitable companies who have grown strategically, whether widening their own business radius or finding the pockets where their best customers are, and then targeting them from a distance.
Technology and supply chain efficiencies open up wonderful opportunities for planned growth, and the planning can start with local targeting.
Reach out to us if you’re interested in connecting with a target audience either within or outside your immediate area.