Executive commitment is marketing gold!

By Chuck Sink | June 18, 2018

Just a decent photo and two or three bullet points… I’m begging you!

Is this too much to ask a man or woman with some authority and resources? For some business owners and executives, it may seem like a nagging request. Why should they take time away from their important work to jot down notes and hunt for files? Important work. Hmm…

Is marketing communication vital to growing and sustaining a business? In other words, are your product features, pricing strategy, distribution channels and promotional messages important to your business? Marketing is all of those things so why not give it the time and attention it deserves?

But you have “fires to put out!”

Why is that? Maybe some of the fires result from misfired marketing communications or not enough communication. If you own a business, your input and decisions mean everything! If you want high-quality brand, product and direct marketing communications to consistently work for you, you need to consistently contribute to the marketing effort. As the company leader, you hold the keys to what your company can faithfully and consistently deliver to customers, therefore the keys to messaging accuracy and consistency. Realness sells!

Why Me?

For marketing communications to deliver results, two things happen. 1) Appropriate resources are allocated and 2) the business owner leads the marketing team. If there is a marketing committee, the owner or CEO should lead it, not a staff marketing director. You might think, with all this work and commitment, what am I paying a marketing agency for?

Here’s what for: To nudge you toward greatness in branding and sales results; to request and gather the shy pieces of accurate, relevant information you keep hidden – to make them into attractive and vibrant messages that look and sound great in every different media format.

In order to execute an effective campaign, all an agency really needs is about 20 minutes (maybe an hour) of executive time devoted to jot down a few key points, and maybe hunt for a photo (with help) or authorize a photo/video shoot. That’s all it should really take for the company leader. What’s nice is that as the owner or chief executive, you have a phone number and voice to which people answer.

Leverage Your Knowledge and Directives

Once you make relevant facts and images available, the real work begins with the creative agency people who are very eager to please! We direct, we write, we design, we produce, we enhance, we refine and make attractive the raw facts about your value proposition. Executive input and decisions enable all of this to happen!

With the right amount of executive input, professional marketers can execute stronger campaigns. We can nimbly make adjustments to our tactics from marketplace feedback, ever striving to improve and authenticate the brand experience for customers & prospects.

The most successful companies in any category have authentic and refined brands. They produce the most successful marketing campaigns. These campaigns succeed because the company leader is engaged in the marketing effort, devoting thought and directing resources toward successfully delivering their own key messages.

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