Why Your B2B Social Media Fails to Produce

What’s App with That? This article stems from a current national discussion and I believe this discussion is culturally and economically crucial. In fact, I encourage you to discuss this topic with your colleagues and get to the heart of the matter for your business. We’re shifting our own “social media marketing” over to real… Read More »

Website Design – Realistic Expectations for Unique Clients

Floor Model – Special Edition – Custom-Built Some of us can visit a car dealership online and in person, find a car to fall in love with, and drive it off the lot after providing all the needed info and signing the documentation. Others may find something they like at the dealership but not get… Read More »

Add eCommerce to Your Business

The Growing Imperative to Transact Online We all know things are different. Now is the time to review every aspect of your service delivery and learn to accommodate the needs and preferences of your customers. Do this right and it will provide you the added bonus of tapping new markets and revenue sources. If you… Read More »

The Sales Highway to Greener Business Pastures

Can one phone call equal a marketing campaign? There are two ways to obtain new business. It finds you (branding, marketing, reputation & referrals) or you find it (your salesforce). When both ways work in tandem, new business fires on all cylinders but sometimes the outside selling effort needs more throttle. Maintaining a stellar reputation… Read More »

Differentiate Your Keywords!

The Cookie Cutter Won’t Cut It! Plenty of companies try to compete using the same keywords to describe their products and services on websites and promotions. They might try to differentiate by claiming the best customer service in the industry but so does everyone else. You’ve heard it, “Our service makes the difference!… We pride… Read More »

The Magic Merger of Marketing & Sales

Marketing done right gets your sales calls answered. When you see an inbound call from a familiar company or brand name, you’re more inclined to answer the call. If you’re a business owner, you know this is true, and so do your salespeople. Sales is a brutally competitive, uphill battle in this day and age.… Read More »

Refresh Your Brand Promise Commitment Now

You have a beacon that helps provide sound direction for everything good that you do. Your company’s guiding principles stem from this guiding light. You have the choice to trust your God-given light and remain true to it or let cultural and societal winds blow your business practices around in their chaotic and whimsical directions.… Read More »

Optimize Your Information…

… So Your Audience Will Take Action! Marketing is all about message optimization because your content is always unfinished. So is everyone else’s. Some content is better than others, and some executions are really great. Your goal isn’t to make your communications perfect but to keep improving them regularly. This gets easier when you have… Read More »

Your Best Marketing Strategy Calls Your Own Flock

“I know I’ll find you somewhere… somewhere you can hear my voice…” While this may sound like a 1988 Moody Blues song, it’s really a promise and a commitment you can make to your market. As the market responds, your services provide more value to customers as your business becomes more profitable. Meet Tim, Dan,… Read More »

Simplicity is the Key to eCommerce Success

Expand Your Market and Grow with eCommerce My colleague Jon Parker and I recently presented a 1-hour Webinar to members and guests of the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce on how to jump into eCommerce. Moderator Emily Marsh did a superb job hosting the virtual event. You can watch the entire Webinar in the recording… Read More »